My name is Jacqueline Nieuwendijk 'Every time I start a new project all kinds of things happen to me. Everything is going to flow, fizzle and I just want to create!' My name is Jacqueline Nieuwendijk, born in 1964 in Amsterdam. During my studies as a fashion designer in Amsterdam, I developed a preference for incorporating existing fabrics into sophisticatedly finished new clothing. Working with fabric challenged me to start applying it in other ways, in combination with paper and paint, and thus sometimes surprising pieces of work were created. After training in mixed media, I discovered this way of working and I can express everything in it. Each piece of paper/fabric has its own personality and character. It is like a brush stroke waiting to be placed in the right spot. I enjoy the challenge of transforming ordinary pieces of paper and fabric into unusual pieces of art that grab your attention from afar and surprise you up close. I love vibrant colors and will continue until everything is balanced in my opinion. In my works I like to incorporate prints from magazines, fragments from books, strips of wallpaper, prints, fabrics from old clothing, etc. The thrift stores, marketplace, and old barns and attics provide me with an endless inspiration to make new things with it. To give the discarded a new purpose. So RECYCLING! Once the idea is in outline on the canvas, the creation process begins. The result is never fixed. I start at the eyes so that I have a connection to the subject myself and from there, the building of the composition begins. During the build-up, I go through various processes and I often incorporate elements of that into my work. In this way, my work remains recognizable and my own. Hou mijn website in de gaten of schrijf je in voor de nieuwsbrief. Jacqueline Nieuwendijjk